The Marriage Ministry exist to provide a biblical foundation of marriage and the family through God’s word.
We desire to see a man and woman in marriage firmly planted in God’s truths for the benefit of the home, the church and society.

The Fourth Saturday of the Month at 6:00pm in the Gymnasium

Marriage Ministry

The Marriage Fellowship is meeting for biblical instruction and fellowship for our marriages on Saturday, October 26th. We are continuing in this year’s theme “Homeland Security.” Protecting Marriage and the Family, focusing on biblical truths that will protect our marriages from the threats we face from the world, the flesh, and the enemy. The topic for the month of October is “Commitment to the Cause”. Out text will be Psalm 127
We are also having a special potluck theme- Breakfast For Dinner. Bring your favorite breakfast dish to share with the other married couples. Childcare is not provided. We want this to be a special evening for just you and your spouse. Please direct questions to Pastor Henry Duran.

We'd love to hear from you.

Please email Pastor Henry Duran